Saturday 17 January 2009


in love with a country not mine. yet missing my friends, family, my own country. i know i'm just a phone call away, there is only a plane ride between us, but it's hard. time passes and suddenly you're not keeping up with what's happening in people's lives. you miss out on how your friends feel, what their children look like, sound like, what people are doing and not doing. i have a deep sense of loss and it's not just for my parents. there is a sadness i cannot shake and it's all part of being alive. i'm not feeling sorry for me or anyone - i'm just kicking myself for not being better at living.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hæ skvís ... Oscar Wild sagði einu sinni "Life is too important to be taken seriously" það er nú kannski eitthvað til í því... Eníhú.. ég hugsa oft og mikið til þín dúlls. Knús úr norðri. Andrea